Mastering Typography in Figma: Best Practices for Seamless Design

By jsrothwell

December 30, 2023

Typography is the silent hero of design, influencing user experiences and conveying messages with subtlety and precision. In the realm of digital design, Figma stands out as a powerhouse for creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best practices for typography in Figma, helping you harness the full potential of this versatile design tool.

  1. Establish a Consistent Typeface Hierarchy

Consistency is key to effective communication through design. When working with typography in Figma, establish a clear hierarchy by defining different text styles for headings, subheadings, and body text. Consistent use of typefaces and font sizes throughout your project ensures a harmonious visual flow and helps users understand the importance of each piece of content.

  1. Utilize Figma’s Text Styles

Figma simplifies the design process with its Text Styles feature. Rather than manually adjusting font properties for each text element, create and apply Text Styles. This not only saves time but also ensures uniformity across your designs. Any changes made to a Text Style are automatically reflected throughout the entire project, maintaining a cohesive look.

  1. Optimize Line Spacing and Letter Spacing

Pay careful attention to line spacing (leading) and letter spacing (tracking) to enhance readability. Experiment with different spacing options to find the optimal balance. Figma’s precise controls for these parameters enable you to fine-tune text elements for maximum legibility and aesthetic appeal.

  1. Consider Readability Across Devices

Responsive design is a must in today’s multi-device landscape. Test your typography across various screen sizes to ensure readability on both desktop and mobile devices. Figma’s layout grids and constraints make it easy to create designs that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes.

  1. Pair Fonts Thoughtfully

Typography is not just about choosing a single font; it’s also about pairing fonts harmoniously. Select fonts that complement each other for headings and body text. Figma provides a vast library of Google Fonts and system fonts, allowing you to experiment with different combinations until you find the perfect match for your design.

  1. Use Figma’s Auto Layout for Dynamic Text Elements

For designs with dynamic content, such as cards with variable text lengths, leverage Figma’s Auto Layout feature. This ensures that your design elements adjust dynamically based on the content they contain, maintaining a polished appearance across different scenarios.

  1. Integrate Smart Components for Consistency

Smart Components in Figma enable you to create reusable design elements, including typography components. By turning frequently used text elements into Smart Components, you ensure consistency and make global changes effortlessly.


Typography is the backbone of effective design, and mastering it in Figma opens the door to creating visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces. By implementing these best practices, you’ll not only streamline your design process but also elevate the overall quality and impact of your projects. Embrace the power of typography in Figma, and watch your designs come to life with clarity and style.

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Typography, User Interface Design

Jamie Rothwell

An infrequently updated & regularly rebooted blog of sorts…