Embracing Complexity: Transitioning from Design Thinking to Systems Thinking

By jsrothwell

December 31, 2023

In a dynamically evolving world driven by technological advancements and intricate interconnections, the challenges faced by designers have surpassed the scope of individual user experiences. The questions we encounter in design now require a departure from traditional design thinking to embrace a more comprehensive approach known as systems thinking.

Transforming Design Dynamics

Design thinking, a methodology centered around understanding and addressing user needs to enhance products and services, has long been the bedrock of design practices. However, as noted by Olof Schybergson, CXO of Accenture Interactive, “Thinking through the ecosystem of touchpoints is simply more complicated than in the past” (Rhodes, 2020). The queries from clients extend beyond singular experiences, delving into broader systemic issues.

Consider questions like, “How can companies adapt to the demand for faster, more cost-effective delivery?” or “How might we optimize transparency to support sustainability goals in the fashion industry?” These questions necessitate a shift in perspective from designing for a user to designing within a complex and interconnected system.

The Emergence of Systems Thinking

Enter systems thinking, a discipline that goes beyond traditional design thinking by providing a framework to comprehend the intricate interrelationships within a system. According to Peter Senge, a prominent systems scientist, “Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static ‘snapshots'” (Senge, 2006). In essence, systems thinking encourages designers to view the entire ecosystem, considering not just individual elements but the dynamic relationships between them.

The need for systems thinking has been accentuated by the rapid integration of technologies such as AI, machine learning, and augmented reality into our design processes. Accenture’s Future Systems report highlights that 80% of respondents believe systems will interact seamlessly with humans (Burden et al., 2019). This seamless interaction necessitates a holistic understanding of how technology fits into an organization’s broader ecosystem.

Evolving from User-Centric to Systems-Centric Design

The evolution from design thinking to systems thinking requires a fundamental shift in mindset. While design thinking is inherently user-centered, systems thinking expands this focus to consider the collective and the broader ecosystem. Fjord Trends 2020 aptly captures this evolution, stating, “For years, the application of user-centered and human-centered design advocated by so many has often separated people from ecosystems. Now, designers must start to address people as part of an ecosystem rather than at the center of everything” (Fjord, 2020).

Let’s take an example to illustrate this transition. Designing a chair traditionally involves meeting the user’s preferences for form and function. However, a systems-centered approach would involve understanding how that chair fits into a larger ecosystem. For instance, a chair designed for an individual with specific needs could potentially be connected to a broader network, integrating with smart thermostats, doorbells, or even healthcare systems.

The Mindset Shift: Zooming In and Out

The essence of systems thinking lies in the ability to constantly zoom in and out, seamlessly transitioning between a detailed, user-centric view and a broader, systemic perspective. This mindset shift is not about abandoning design thinking but incorporating a systems thinking mindset. As Barry Richmond, a system scientist, puts it, “People embracing Systems Thinking position themselves such that they can see both the forest and the trees” (Richmond, 1994).

Designers must navigate the complexity of interconnected systems, understanding the dependencies between different parts. This dual approach allows for a more comprehensive impact assessment of design interventions, ensuring they align with the broader system’s desired purpose.

Incorporating Systems Thinking in Practice

A systems-centered design mindset is not just a theory but a practical approach to problem-solving. Whether it’s identifying targets for drug discovery, transforming transparency in the fashion industry, or addressing the challenges faced by [relevant industry], a systems practice mindset is applied.

For drug discovery, the introduction of AI as an assistive technology necessitated a deep understanding of the entire system. System blueprints were created to identify pain points and their systemic root causes, ensuring that the integration of AI aligned with the existing ecosystem.

Similarly, in addressing transparency in the Infrastructure Industry, an ecosystem of partners in the enterprise SaaS was brought together to explore new ways of working. The research was conducted at a systems level, providing a holistic view that allowed for the design of concepts aligned with the broader ecosystem.

In the case of SaaS companies meeting the demand for faster, cheaper delivery, a next-generation delivery system was envisioned. This involved a cross-disciplinary team collaborating closely with clients to balance conflicting goals and consider the broader implications on the entire system.

Conclusion: Navigating Complexity with Systems-Centered Design

As designers, the landscape we navigate has become increasingly complex. Systems thinking is not just a toolkit; it’s a mindset that enables designers to embrace complexity and address challenges at both the micro and macro levels. The incorporation of systems-centered design into [Organization]’s practice reflects a commitment to delivering better experiences and outcomes by understanding and intervening in complex systems.

In a world where technology, ethics, sustainability, and human experiences converge, designers must evolve. Systems-centered design offers a way forward, allowing designers to not only see the trees but the entire forest, ensuring that their interventions have a positive and meaningful impact on the interconnected systems we inhabit. As we continue to ask bold questions at the system level, systems thinking becomes an indispensable extension of the designer’s toolkit, enabling us to navigate and shape the complexities of our ever-evolving world.


Burden, A., Ghosh, B. & Wilson, J., 2019. Accenture Future Systems Report. Scale Innovation And Achieve Value With Future Systems. Accenture Research, pp.3,6,15[Online] Available at: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/future-systems/future-ready-enterprise-systems
[Accessed 7 April 2020].

Dubberly, H., 2016. Compostmodern: Think Even Bigger. Framing Design As Conversations About Systems. [Online]
Available at: http://presentations.dubberly.com/compostmodern.pdf
[Accessed 5 May 2020].

Fjord, 2020. Fjord Trends 2020. [Online]
Available at: https://trends.fjordnet.com/
[Accessed 7 April 2020].

Hepplemann, J. E. & Porter, M. E., 2014. How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition. [Online]
Available at: https://hbr.org/2014/11/how-smart-connected-products-are-transforming-competition
[Accessed 17 April 2020].

Rhodes, M., 2020. Experience Designers Race to Keep Up With Technology. [Online] Available at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/experience-designers-race-to-keep-up-with-technology-11588334401
[Accessed 11 May 2020].

Richmond, B., 1994. System Dynamics/Systems Thinking: Let’s Just Get On With It. [Online] Available at: https://iseesystems.com/resources/articles/download/lets-just-get-on-with-it.pdf
[Accessed May18 2020].

Senge, P. M., 2006. The Fifth Discipline — The Art & Practice of the Learning Organizations. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc..

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Design, UX

Jamie Rothwell

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